1. Consider the production quality, writing, sound design, story structure, voicing, etc. 

I felt as though the music really added a lot to this podcast. The way that music would pick up in between acts was a nice touch. It definitely complemented the podcast without overpowering the content. The overall quality of the episode was superior. The audio was incredibly clear. I never had any trouble understanding the contributors, but the transcript was also a nice touch. I thought the way the podcast was split up into Acts was a great idea because it allowed me to separate the five women yet connect their stories within my brain. It assisted in understanding the overall timeline of the encounters. 

  1. What works? Why? What doesn’t? Why? 

I thought the inclusion of Vivian at the beginning of the podcast added a lot. It gave the listener insight to the lives that were affected by such actions. This situation affected not only the five women who shared their stories, but the wife of Dan as well.  

I thought the narrator/character-type setup was wonderful. I felt as though I was listening to an audio book because of the narrator’s touches. The type of music that would play when tense moments arose was perfect for each moment. The music made me feel as if I was there.  

The only concern I had throughout the podcast was the switching of the voices. At times I became confused as to which voice belonged to which woman. By the end of the podcast I had it down, but that is definitely something that could be tweaked in the future.  

  1. What is the most memorable moment from the episode? What is missing? 

I think the most memorable moment from the episode for me was Deanna and Dan’s big fight. The way she described how she remained silent and calm was memorable and something that was important for the overall storyline. You could hear the frightening feelings within her as she spoke of the fight. I think this moment could have used a bit more tense music.